
Diamond In The Rough Saying

Why Is a Diamond so Difficult?

Steven Taylor/The Image Bank/Getty Images

The molecular structure of a diamond makes it hard, as diamonds are comprised of carbon atoms linked closely together in a lattice structure. The atoms are linked tightly via covalent bonds wherein two atoms share an electron. A tetrahedral unit is composed of 5 carbon atoms, with one carbon atom sharing electrons with the other iv. An extremely potent molecule is formed from the tetrahedral bonding of v carbon atoms.

In its natural form, carbon is not very hard. It is easy to crush when enough forcefulness is applied. However, carbon structure changes considerably when carbons are subjected to high pressure and heat. It transforms from something soft into something extremely difficult. Carbon atoms compress and grade a highly concentrated crystallized structure that gives the diamond infrequent hardness and valuable properties.

The crystallized form of carbon created from farthermost pressure and heat leads to the creation of diamonds. Diamonds are incredibly hard considering they have crystallized in a particular atomic shape that resulted from heat and pressure on globe at a depth of 140 to 150 kilometers. It takes a long time to create a diamond, and they are frequently brought to the Earth's surface through a volcanic eruption. On the Mohs Hardness Calibration, diamonds rank at x, which is the hardest in the scale.

Diamond In The Rough Saying,


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